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LGLibTech is a free community resource open to all, Please feel free to make contributions.

Content on this wiki (though not external content) is open access. public domain (CC0 licensed ) so feel free to use and re-purpose it. Access to (and download of) all content is free to all. Works under CC0 do not require attribution. When citing the work, you should not imply endorsement by the author.

market_overviewoverview of the public library systems market
Systems usedA-Z list of all UK public library authorities with the systems used
Business casesExamples of how local authorities justify replacing their existing LMS

Whose site is this?

This is a resource for anyone interested in public libraries and the technologies they use. It is a free and open community resource. Anyone can s make contributions. These can take the form of new articles or changes (correction, additions etc.) to existing content. . Ken Chad Consulting set up the site and has taken on the role of 'WikiMaster' to encourage contributions, help contributors and protect the site from any malicious activity. However Ken Chad Consulting is not responsible for the content.

If you want general information, comment and resources about UK public libraries go to Publiclibrariesnews

home.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/02 19:18 by